Medicine for other conditions also can affect the health of your mouth. For example, many drugs cause dry mouth. This can increase your risk of dental decay and yeast infections. It also can affect the taste. While examining your mouth, we might see a sign or symptom of an illness or disease that you might not even know you have. At Miranda Dental Centre, we may perform tests and/or refer you to a specialist for treatment.
Xerostomia, also known as dry mouth, is when an individual fails to produce enough saliva to keep the mouth lubricated. This may be due to a problem with the salivary glands or a symptom associated with taking various medications. Saliva fulfils numerous roles in the mouth. Its function should not be taken for granted since it plays an important part in lubricating oral tissues in speech, taste, digestion, chewing and swallowing. It also has an important role in preventing dental decay.
If you’re experiencing Xerostomia, you may complain about a dry mouth, have altered taste, feel a need to drink frequently when talking or eating, have difficulty when talking or swallowing dry foods, experience oral burning or soreness, have swollen salivary glands, or lastly, cracked lips at the corner of the mouth. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation today to discuss effective remedies to help you overcome dry mouth.
Your oral health also can affect other medical conditions. For example, if you have diabetes, a mouth infection can disrupt your blood-sugar levels and make your diabetes harder to control. Researchers also are exploring whether periodontal (gum) disease may increase the risk of various medical problems. These may include heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and premature births.